A Phased Approach to Building a SaaS Customer Advocacy Program
Before You Start: Advocacy Program Prep
Tech Assumptions about your Customer Advocacy Program
Topics to Discuss in Stakeholder Interviews
Additional Resources: In a recent CMAweekly Friday Meetup Andrew Sevillia shared his approach for an executive listening tour. I've implemented his ideas into this stakeholder interview approach but you can look at his questions and approach on the blog post here.
Creating Your Internal Cross-Collaboration Roadmap
Customer Advocacy and Cross-Collaboration
Warning: For new advocacy programs it can be difficult to get Customer Success and Sales teams to collaborate because they won't trust you to have theirs and their customers' best interests at heart. You have to show them how they are wrong.
Additional Resources: Advocacy Program Checklist, Goals & Expectations List
Customer Advocacy Program Phase 1: Crawl
To start, I recommend you run a beta of your program with your current advocates.
Select the advocates who are most excited to participate, those who always respond, respond quickly, and are eager to learn more about your product.
Select the advocates who are most excited to participate, those who always respond, respond quickly, and are eager to learn more about your product.
Advocate Persona Development As you start to identify your ideal advocate, keep the following aspects of their profile/personality in mind. You'll want to identify trends that will help you find other excited advocates among customer segments.
- Demographic profiles
- Behavioral patterns
- Professional goals
- Industry influence
- Platform usage
Now, in the Crawl phase we want to provide 3 things:
1) An advocacy program landing page with form. You want to collect their information, the activities they are interested in fulfilling, how they want to participate and be rewarded.
- Demographic profiles
- Behavioral patterns
- Professional goals
- Industry influence
- Platform usage
Now, in the Crawl phase we want to provide 3 things:
This page should lightly describe some of the activities they’ll be asked to do, some of the benefits of participating, the time commitment, and the ability to join.
** Putting this out to all customers will cause some customers to join who are not in a great position with their account.
Just because they join does not mean they have to be offered opportunities or that you have to give them access to the rest of the program. You can easily mark their account in Salesforce to indicate they aren’t ready for your main advocacy program.
Just because they join does not mean they have to be offered opportunities or that you have to give them access to the rest of the program. You can easily mark their account in Salesforce to indicate they aren’t ready for your main advocacy program.
Here is a list of several advocacy landing pages.
- https://www.keyfactor.com/keyfactor-insider-program/
- https://www.gozego.com/zego-advocate-program/
- https://www.cleo.com/customer-advocacy-program
- https://www.informatica.com/about-us/customers/reference-program.html
- https://www.axway.com/en/customers/advocacy-program
I would keep branding out of the process until absolutely necessary because it does take about 3 months to complete the process with them involved.
2) A place to access opportunities (or requests) for advocates to complete.
The goal of your program is to make it easier to scale. To do this, they need a place to find opportunities; you don’t want to be the one reaching out and letting each of them know what’s available.
This can live in a community group (if your company has one) or in another type of portal, even a Google doc, if necessary. If it’s in your Slack workspace, you can add a channel where you’ll post the opportunities.
** Quick Tip: I’ve used Notion to Super.so with our company name as the custom section of the URL. Then I created a keyboard shortcut on my computer so that every time I typed ‘rql’ the link would come up and I could send it to advocates to check for new opportunities.
This is more of a startup approach, so if your corporation doesn’t want this, you have to find a workaround.
3) A twice-monthly advocacy newsletter.
Here, I list all of the open opportunities (you might want to shuffle these out to make it seem fresh), offer incentives like ‘Do this today and get a free Starbucks $10 card’, celebrate some of the advocates that have participated, and include any community/customer programs I’ve created to help them connect.
Important part of the Crawl Phase: Data
As you build your program, there’s one area specifically that needs a lot of attention. That area is your Data; the information you gather on your advocates. You already have some data about them, such as where they work, their title, possibly LinkedIn URL, etc.
But I am thinking about other data that will make it easier for you to decide which advocates to invite to a request.
Keep track of:
- Their Expertise
- Years of Experience
- Activities they want to complete
- Types of rewards they like
- Geographic location
- Activities completed
- Type of Advocate (here’s a link to Laura Ramos’ article on the 4 types of advocacy)
- Hobbies or likes/dislikes they share
- Career/Job goals
- Now, you can invite all of your beta advocates (or references) and start collecting feedback.
Customer Advocacy Program Part II: Walk
Inviting Customers to Your Advocacy Program
Lifecycle Approach
In the lifecycle approach, I’m looking more closely at each stage of the lifecycle and when it is a good time to ask them to participate based on how they are likely to feel at the time and how you can best present your program.
Here are some of the moments that are often best:
Here are some of the moments that are often best:
- After onboarding is complete. (this is often a good time to ask for a review) You might consider suggesting your program as a place for established professionals to come share their experiences with others in your ecosystem.
- 6 months into their contract, as long as they have used the product at least 30 minutes a month. This could be a good time to connect them with other advocates in your program who are interested in mentoring or networking with other customers.
- 9 months into the contract you can ask them to give feedback on their success so far with your product then ask them if they’d be interested in joining your advocacy program and getting access to product betas.
- After they’ve participated in 2 webinars. You can ask them if they would want to share their experience on a webinar or in a blog post.
Here are more lifecycle moments you can consider:
- Post contract signing
- Onboarding kick off
- Onboarding checkins
- Certification completions
- Onboarding closed – a lot of saas companies ask for reviews here.
- Additional certification completions
- Lack of adoption red flag
- Acceptable adoption landmark
- New feature adoption
- Customer joined a customer program (community, user groups, CABs, product beta group)
- Customer submitted content to blog or webinar
- Customer marked at a high CSAT or NPS (not to be used to trigger a review due to recent 2022 legislation)
- Customer enters upsell opportunity (product, features, services)
- Customer completes upsell successfully
- Customer doesn’t finish upsell
- Customer renews contract
Tools in the Walk phase:
A lot of CMAs in this phase are still using a CRM, Spreadsheet, or Project Manager platform. At this point, they are likely still collecting data and optimizing the best way to use this data to get advocates to join more programs (such as User Groups as hosts, CABs, beta programs, etc).
Some CMAs already have such a high number of advocates (over 100) that they are considering an advocate platform to help them manage it all.
FREE TEMPLATE for Collecting Customer Advocate Data!
If you are a member of CMAweekly (this site or Slack) you can get the Advocacy Management & Scoring Template just by logging in. Join here or login here and go to your dashboard to get the link here.
Some CMAs already have such a high number of advocates (over 100) that they are considering an advocate platform to help them manage it all.
FREE TEMPLATE for Collecting Customer Advocate Data!
If you are a member of CMAweekly (this site or Slack) you can get the Advocacy Management & Scoring Template just by logging in. Join here or login here and go to your dashboard to get the link here.