Community Guidelines

I’m adding new Community Guidelines, here they are:

  1. Respect others and their opinions – be kind (we haven’t had an issue here yet) 
  2. Keep #no-vendors and personal DM’s confidential – do not share information that wasn’t meant to be shared! 
  3. Promotions are only allowed in #Open-Share – you’ll be told if you can post a promotion in #general – assume you cannot. I may upgrade appropriate open-share posts to general at my discretion. 
  4. NO promotional DM’s – this is not a place to source for prospects – build relationships & DO NOT jump on someone because they asked a public question. 
  5. 3 strikes – you’re out. This is your 1st warning, if you violate the above rule 2 times, you’ll be removed from the community (possibly your entire company will be removed).

On Content Reuse (I’m copying Dave Derington on this):

  • I will sometimes reuse discussions from the community to create materials intended for broader distribution, including articles, social posts, or weekly calls. 
  • I will not publicly use any specific information or details without getting permission first, and I’ll credit the original authors of any specific ideas. 
  • But, I will sometimes summarize and anonymize discussions in the community to share more broadly. 
  • Nothing will be used by our exclusive partner without your consent. They will not get lead information unless it is explicitly mentioned. 
  • If you agree to be a guest on a call, I will use your name in promotions & on the website when sharing the recording.

If you would like to file a complaint, please message me on LinkedIn ( or Slack DM
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