Sponsor the Most Active Community in Customer Marketing & Advocacy
Be One of Our Preferred Platforms
- Customer Stories
- Advocacy (Claimed)
- References (Claimed)
- Reviews
- Community
- Customer Voice (Claimed)
You can also sponsor a sub-topic (details in pricing)
We'll Share Your Name Whenever Your Category Is Mentioned
- Related Events, Recordings & Content
- Slack Posts & Campaigns
- Newsletters
- Social media posts
- Weekly Meetups
- Masterminds & more.
Easy as one, two, three
Choose your package
I'm happy to customize these.
Premier Partner Sponsors
Get listed as our Preferred Platform (of choice), plus:
Annual Research Study
6 Email Blasts/DM Sends
6 Weekly Meetups
2 Community Demos
Exclusive Sponsor of a Community Program
Industry/Community Advisory Board Membership
Newsletter & Meetup Features
Partner Sponsors
Get listed as our Preferred Platform Category, plus:
Quarterly Email or Slack DM Sends
Quarterly Meetups
Create Your Own Community Program
2 Community Demos (30 mins each)
Industry/Community Advisory Board Membership
Get the following perks, mentions, and support:
Own a Sub topic: Events, Lifecycle, Expansion, Gifting, CABs, Referrals, Video or Agency
Mentioned across your sub-topic in events, newsletter, blogs, and other programs.
Quarterly Meetup Host
Quarterly Email or Slack DM Sends
Industry/Community Advisory Board Membership
Contact details
Get in touch
Thank you, I will be in touch soon.
🕶️ Members Trust the CMAweekly Community
Here's how our sponsors benefit from their investment.
#1 New Leads & Software Purchases
Members regularly share when they've purchased and how they were impacted by the community to make that purchase.
#2 Professional Input & Beta Participation
Our members love to contribute to your research projects. Get the feedback and participation you need.
#3 Introductions, Mentions, & Connections
We have a large networks of Customer Marketing & Advocacy professionals, tell us who you need to meet and we will introduce you.
Become a Premier Community Partner
Partner's Names are everywhere in the community. Here's some of what we've done for partners:
Mentioned in Community Discussions related to your Product/Services & Expertise
Share Your Name & Link when members ask for related services (Happens a lot in Slack)
Recommend You or a Team Member to join conversations related to your Expertise
Introduce you or a team member to
Industry Outreach for your ICP
One-Off Emails & Segmented Direct Message Campaigns
Ignite Your Growth 📊
We'll define your goals, ICP, and category based on how you want to grow in 2024
🎯 Tap into a diverse network of CMA roles, industries, and tech stacks
💃 Showcase your expertise in VOC, events, advocacy, reviews, and more
🔥 Generate leads on demand with flexible growth strategies
A la Carte Options
If you're still testing the waters to see how CMAweekly can help you connect with your buyers, try one of these options for sponsorship:
1. Host A Webinar
I will help you choose a topic and we can invite the entire community through multiple promotions. I can also host the webinar if you'd like.
Starting at $2,500
Starting at $2,500
2. Send An Email or Slack DM Blast
Get your newest initiative in front of all of our subscribers (over 2200 professionals) in a one off email blast to their inbox.
Starting at $1250
Starting at $1250
3. Get Featured in the Newsletter
Get listed as the top sponsor of our weekly newsletter. You'll be the first thing our readers see.
Starting at $800
Starting at $800
4. Sponsor a Research Project
Choose the topic you want to research, I'll help you pick the questions. We'll run the research and then create a report. Your name will be on everything.
Starting at $5000
Starting at $5000
5. Community Demo
Host a demo for the community for up to an hour. Show off your newest features or product capabilities. You can also get feedback and ask our members for their ideas.
Starting at $4000
Starting at $4000